Pumping: A nice warm-up for those who feel like wood in the morning


Pumping: A nice warm-up for those who feel like wood in the morning. Six minutes of gentle exercise.

This set of exercises will help you wake up, get rid of the feeling of muscle stiffness and get ready for an active day. All you need is a timer and a mat, but the latter can be replaced with a blanket.

How to perform the workout

The lesson consists of six exercises, each of which must be performed for one minute:

  • Circular tilt.
  • Shoulder stretch while lying on the floor.
  • Transition from squat to cobra pose.
  • Deep squat and bend.
  • Shoulder rotations on the floor.
  • Transition to table pose from the “corner” pose.

Don’t try to deepen the poses in jerks or perform them perfectly. The main goal is to warm up the body after sleep and to have fun.

How to do exercises

Circular tilt

Place your feet hip-width apart or slightly wider. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, slightly turn your body to the right and lower yourself until your fingertips or palms touch your right foot.

If you feel a pull under your knees, you can bend them a little – feel how the spine lengthens from the tailbone to the neck. Without straightening up, move the body to the left, touching the left foot, and with an inhale, smoothly straighten up, rounding the back.

Next time, start from the left side: lower yourself to your left foot, and rise by turning your body to the right. Alternate sides every other time.

Shoulder stretch while lying on the floor

Lie on the floor on your stomach, stretch your arms forward. With an inhale, lift your chest off the surface, bend your arms at the elbows and bring your hands to your shoulders.

Return to the starting position and repeat. Move smoothly and make sure that your neck is in line with your back as you rise : don’t look forward, but look at the floor in front of you.

Transition from squat to cobra pose

Lower yourself into a deep squat, pressing your heels into the floor and keeping your back straight. From this position, walk your hands forward along the floor and come out into a cobra pose – resting on your palms, with an arched back and straight legs.

Stretch your crown toward the ceiling, lower your shoulder blades. If your lower back is pulling , bend your arms slightly. Straighten your legs, but do not put your hips on the floor.

Perform one breathing cycle in the pose – inhale and exhale, and then, moving your hands, return back to the squat. Repeat the exercise.

Deep squat and bend

Stay in the squat position , turn your knees out to the sides and rest your elbows on them. Make sure your back is straight and your heels are pressed to the floor. Hold this pose for a couple of breaths, shifting from one foot to the other.

Then lift your pelvis and lower your body, going into a bend. Straighten one leg, bend the other at the knee and place it on the toe, then change them. Do four alternations of bending and straightening your legs, and then return to the squat.

Repeat the exercise. Try to relax your back while bending.

Shoulder rotations on the floor

Sit on your knees and place your palms on the floor in front of you, positioning them twice as wide as your shoulders with your fingers pointing out.

Move your body to the right, lower your left shoulder and press it to the floor. Hold for one breath, return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

Transition to table pose from “corner”

Sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward and place your palms next to your pelvis. Leaning on your hands, lift your pelvis. From this position, leaning on your heels, rock forward and come out into a table pose. Raise your pelvis as high as possible so that your body from knees to shoulders is in one line.

Hold the pose for one breath, squeezing your buttocks as hard as you can, then return to the “corner” and repeat.

Try not to lower your pelvis to the floor until the end of the interval – this will make both your buttocks and abs work well.

Write how you like the morning workout. Are your muscles softer?

Pumping: A two-movement complex for a full-body workout

Pumping: 5 Dumbbell Exercises for Beautiful Thighs.

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